Mitzy's Dog Sitting Paradise

Group Dog Walking Sessions
  1. Group Walk: 20 CAD / 25CHF-30CHF per hour (Monday to Friday)
Private Dog Walking Sessions
  1. Private / Individual walk: (only in Vancouver) 25 CAD
Doggy Daycare Services (7 days a week)
  1. 38 CAD with food included 32 CAD if you bring your own food / 45 CHF daily per dog 9:30am-5:30pm(food included is optional) treats, toys, pet gifts, beds and lot's of love are always included for our puppies
  2. Overnightstay: 10 CAD / 15 CHF from (8:00 pm.- 8:00 a.m.)
  3. Special Rates Available for Dog Daycares when they are up to two doggies or when long periods of stay. For our VIP clients we offer a special benefit, ask for your Mitzy's Dog Daycare card if you haven't gotten one!
  4. Our years of canine experience made us an excellent choice for Dogs needing Special attention., Does your dog have "special needs" (physical or emotional issues)?, let us know to discuss and follow your instructions.
Payment Methods
  1. Mitzy's Dog Sitting Services accepts Cash,Cheques and Bank transactions only, no credit cards. We are an Insured and Bondable Pet Sitting Service.
Contact Us

Please feel free to call or email us regarding any services that you require. Your email address will be kept confidential and will only be used by us.

Email: /

Phone: (1) 778-885-4837 0r 778-881-2243

Address: 1106-1189 Howe Street

Vancouver, B.C.

V6Z 2X4

E-mail: /

Service in Zürich, Switzerland

Phone: (41) 078-6595-720 0r 043-2885-022

Address: Regensbergstrasse 238


Zurich, Oerlikon


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Dog Walking Sessions, Requirements & Service Area

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